Sunday Service

9:00 am



Sunday Service

11:00 am

Sunday School

10:00 am Sunday School

What’s available for Kids (0-10) during this time?

Youth and Adult Sunday school meet at 10:00am, while children’s Sunday school follows the Children’s Sermon during the 11:00 service. There is still plenty available for kids at this time though!

Our nursery staff is available for babies and toddlers 0-3 years old during the 10:00 Sunday school hour.

Fellowship Time is available for children 4 years old – 5th grade during the 10:00 Sunday school hour. We will read a story and play a related game/activity together. Join us downstairs for Fellowship Time!


Contact Allie Brewington
Director of Children Ministries


(age 3 – 4th grade)

Sunday school for children 4 – 3th grade is held during the 11:00 worship service. Children in this age group begin church in the sanctuary with their parents until the Time with the Children (11:10). Following the children’s sermon, the kids are walked downstairs and begin Sunday school. Here is what we are doing this year!

Primary Class: Our older 3 year olds – Kindergarteners will be learning from the Follow Me: Young Children curriculum. Each Sunday they will discover a new lesson from the Bible in a very kid-friendly, colorful, and descriptive way. The little ones adore these lessons! There is plenty of time for snacks, activities, and free play in this room.

Intermediate Class: We will work our way through the “Holy Moly!” curriculum, a fun and interactive format that the kids love! This semester we are starting at the very beginning with Abraham. How fitting for our homecoming after so many months apart.

Our goal is to provide children with a strong foundation of faith and a sense of belonging. Sunday school is the perfect opportunity to accomplish that!


(5th-7th grade)

Making Faith Connections!

The 5-8th graders will explore our faith using the engaging Follow Me curriculum. Using videos, hands-on activities, and team-building discussions, Connect helps youth uncover major Biblical themes and discover how the Bible relates to their own lives. Sunday school and Fellowship will help youth grow spiritually and socially. Our goal for Sunday morning is to encourage youth to explore and develop their individual faith while realizing they are valued members of the church and worldwide faith community.

The Middle School (5th thru 8th graders) Sunday School meets during the regular Sunday School time (10:00 a.m.) in the Middle School Room.

Have questions?

Barbara Adamcik, Director of Youth and Connectional Ministries
865-584-3957 Ext. 104


At Westminster, 8th graders are given the opportunity to participate in Confirmation. Confirmation is a formal process whereby individuals may confirm the vows make at their baptism or choose to be baptized and publicly affirm their beliefs. Confirmation will provide a place and space for questions and reflection leading to that affirmation. Each confirmand will be partnered with a member of the church who will share this journey with them. The class meets weekly, in Barbara’s office during Sunday School (10-10:50 am) If you are a post-8th grader and desire to be confirmed, contact Barbara about classes for older youth. The next confirmation class will begin September 2023.

High School

Faith Now!

High schoolers will reflect on their life’s faith journey, where they’ve been, where their journey is taking them. Using the PC(USA) Faith Questions, Follow Me, and Feasting on the Word curriculae, our older youth will be discussing how they meet challenges of faith in the “real world” and realizing the powerful impact their faith and actions have in our community and the world!

The High School (9th through 12th graders) Sunday School meets during the normal Sunday School hour (10:00 a.m.) in the Senior High Room.


If you are visiting Westminster, just ask anyone you see at the church for directions to the meeting rooms. Also, be sure to check the announcements in each week’s church bulletin or on the video screen outside the kitchen for more learning opportunities.

BIBLE STUDY — Led by Scott Brunger, this class meets in the McKinnon Room. The group studies books of the Bible in great detail. Don’t be afraid to jump in! There is lively discussion and in-depth study.

FEASTING ON THE WORD — This is curriculum from the PC(USA) that is lectionary-based. You will get an opportunity to hear and study the texts that will likely be read in worship that same day. The take on the texts may not be exactly what you hear from the pulpit, but can provide another perspective on the scriptures. The class will be taught on a rotating basis by Linda Judge-McRae, Phil Barnette, Tim Crais, Penny Tschantz and Gradye Parsons. This class meets in the Laura Kaufman Hall.

THE WIRED WORD — This topics-based class uses events from the news and helps us relate them to our call to live out the Gospel. The only resource needed is a smart phone or a tablet. Participants will receive an email each week with a story ripped from the news headlines. There are Bible references and discussion. The class is facilitated by a rotating group of teachers that include Jeff and Amy Gilbert, Judy Barnette, Michael Betz, Laura and Erick Weber, and John Smartt. This class meets in the Library.

COFFEE HOUSE — Do you just want a chance to chat with folks on Sunday morning? Come to the Coffee House in the Schilling Gallery each week for a cup of coffee and something to nibble on while you visit with friends.

Have questions?

Rev. Gradye Parsons