Sunday Service

9:00 am



Sunday Service

11:00 am

Children & Young Families


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Westminster’s nursery is for our youngest worshipers throughout the year. Here are the times we are available:

Regular Schedule: 8:45 – 12:15

  • 9:00 Worship- Our nursery is available for children 0-5 y.o.
  • 11:00 Worship- Our nursery is available to children 0 – 3 y.o.

*Children 3.5-10 will begin the 11:00 worship service with you in the sanctuary until the Time with the Children. From there they will be walked downstairs to begin Sunday school. Click the “Sunday School” tab to learn more.

Summer Schedule: 9:45 – 11:15

  • 10:00 Worship- Our nursery is available for children 0-3 y.o.
For families visiting or new to our congregation, the nursery is often the first and most important introduction to Westminster. We see our nursery as a Ministry for young families and their children. We have a nursery staff that is very experienced in caring for infants and toddlers. Sitters have been trained in our Child Protection Policy, CPR trained and certified, and background checked. Having a paid nursery staff helps to maintain a comfortable, nurturing environment for your child by having the same familiar faces to greet them when they come into the nursery.

Sunday School

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. -Proverbs 22:6

Our goal is to provide children with a strong foundation of faith and a sense of belonging. Sunday school is the perfect opportunity to accomplish that! In order to meet our families when they are most available, we are moving our Sunday school hour to the 11:00 worship service. Children 3.5 years old – 4th grade are invited to come downstairs following Time with the Children for a guided interactive Sunday school class.

Primary Class: Our older 3 year olds – Kindergarteners will be learning from the Read Aloud Bible Stories (volumes 1-5). Each Sunday they will discover a new lesson from the Bible in a very kid-friendly, colorful, and descriptive way. The little ones adore these books! There is plenty of time for snacks, activities, and free play in this room.

Intermediate Class: We will work our way through the “Follow Me” curriculum, a fun and interactive format that the kids love!

11:00 Sunday School Opportunities:

  • Nursery: 0- young 5 year olds
  • Primary Class: Old 3s – Kindergarten
  • Intermediate Class: 1st – 3rd grades
*Depending on class size, Kindergarteners and 1st graders may go back and forth between primary and intermediate classes.

Family Fellowship

Our fellowship time will be geared towards families so that everyone can participate! We will have several activities and events throughout the year that you won’t want to miss. Check them out below!

  • September – Rally Day (food trucks, popsicles, sprinklers)
  • October – Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival (5:00 PM)
  • November – Friendsgiving Night (5:30 PM)
  • December – Christmas Craft Night (5:00 PM)
  • December – Christmas Breakfast (10:00 AM)
  • January-
  • February- Valentine’s Party
  • March-
  • April – Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Breakfast
  • May- Church-wide Picnic

Vacation Bible School

We have so much fun venturing through our  VBS curriculum! Check back for our theme for next year!